Handwriting Analysis of Indira Gandhi

Indira was the daughter of Jawarhar Lal Nehru and the first woman prime minister of India and has served it for 15 years 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1984. When Lal Bhadur Shastri was the PM of India, he appointed Indira Gandhi as minister of information and broadcasting. This position was the fourth highest ranking position in the Cabinet. As many Indians were illiterate, radio and television played a major part in informing them. As minister, she started a family planning program. As prime minister, Gandhi tried to improve the lives of Indians. With her neighbors, the Soviet Union and China, she improved relations.  She also promoted science and technology.  In 1971, India sent its first satellite into space. Economically, Indira Gandhi led India to become one of the fastest growing economies in the world toward the end of her time as prime minister.


She was killed on October 31st 1984. On her 25th death anniversary, we recall the bullets, the blisters and the footprints left by the first woman Prime Minister of India.

Handwriting Analysis of Indira Gandhi

Indira Ghandhi’s handwriting tells us that liked to know more about ‘reality’, and to probe the unknown. she was a person who was able to create new ideas and expand them. She was a person who was always on the move observing and using her insight to act on her thoughts. She was clear on what she wanted and how she would go about getting it.


She was a person who needed hard facts in order to take a decision and would see how it would benefit everyone concerned. She was analytical and unemotional, but could also be sincere and reliable. People with such a handwriting always recognize obligations and hence prove good friends.


She had a high degree of intuition and some how had an idea that she would be killed. This is shown in the quote below.


“ If I die a violent death as some fear and a few are plotting, I know the violence will be in the thought and action of the assassin, not in my dying.


I don’t mind if my life goes in the service of the nation. If I die today every drop of my blood will invigorate the nation. — said the night before she was assassinated, October 30, 1984


She was a person who had her own views and ideas regarding any situation and would not come under anyone’s influence easily or be taken in by their talks. Her handwriting shows large degree of determination and it was also seen in the work that she did for India and being elected twice by the people as Prime Minister of India.


The picture perfect i-dot shows that she was a loyal person and ahead of her times. She was a sort of a loner and would require some quite time for her every now and then.


Overall her handwriting says that she was a lady of strong character fondly remembered as the “Iron Lady Of India”

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Farida Bharmal

Award Winning Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst), Certified Councillor, Business and Mindset Coach

I am a counselor, Graphologist, Handwriting Analyst and Life Skill trainer. Read to connect and know more about me.

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