A marriage of 73 years and a couple holding hands all the while, with both the man and woman showing high degree of dignity and pride for who they are, in few words Hats Off! To the man to be there for his wife and not be taken in with what the world would have put in his way all this while. And for the woman to know that she will have a duty towards the nation and one towards the family in private. I just imagine the kind of relationship they would have had to build over the years, the decisions they would have had to take and all the while knowing that they are observed for every action they make.
Yet when you see the writing, you see the amazing solidarity which Prince Philip showed, I would say he was the silent pillar in the marriage, and I can also see the high goals which the Queen had, along with inhibitions of her own, should I or shouldn’t I approach. Both have clear writing both in their sample and signature, telling people, this is who I am and internally ( in my thoughts and feelings) and externally ( for the outside world to see).
The samples I got are from the website and dated 1982, yes lots can change over the period of time, but you got to work with what you have in hand and move on from there.
Marriage is such an intimate and amazing lifelong promise which a couple make to each other and when it lasts for a long time, you know that there would have been differences, hurdles, broken dreams but somehow a hope with which you live on. Same goes for the couples who have been with each other for so long and recently lost each other due to age, health or the pandemic and a silent message for the generations… Relationships my friends need to be silently nurtured, ego’s kept aside and move ahead holding each other’s hand, all the while ignoring noise all around you. No one is perfect and frankly what’s the point to be perfect when all you want is to be loved!