Handwriting Analysis is an amazing and simple way to know how a person is and how he will behave with different people and deal with circumstances in his/her life.
Aamir Khan is a well know name in the film industry and a very famous and versatile actor.
His handwriting tells us that he is an angular writer which implies that he has aggression, libido, dynamism, achievement and will. He is a controlled, tense, energetic and persevering individual.
He is always probing, exploring, taking up challenges and wants to solve problems. He has a natural sharpness of thought, resent wasting time and cannot suffer laggards. He takes in people and situations instantly and can get impatient with unnecessary delay.
The underline under his signature relates to leadership qualities and inner strength. He is a person who will face his problems and solve them to. His writing shows lots of persistence. Seen in the letter’ A’ of his signature (and also in his film “3 Idiots” when he writes his friends name on the black board) He is a person who would want to finish whatever he has started and not rest until the task is finished. The connectivity in his handwriting tells us of a intelligent person who has the ability to follow and change thoughts smoothly. Often a good conversationalist, speaker or writer.
We can see that his handwriting has sarcasm present in it. It means he has a razor sharp tongue that can hurt the other person. His handwriting tells that Aamir is fond of good food and loves to travel. He makes friends but trusts only few selected ones. Aamir is a philosophical person and loves to learn new things. He makes a decision only if he really has to and that to after weighing the pros and cons of the given situation. He has the ability to get along with both introverts and extroverts. There are times in his day when the feeling of being alone just for some time is very strong.
He is an intelligent person who can size up a situation or a person quickly. Like every human being Aamir too feels bad if anyone were to criticize him or his ideas. He would spend his time thinking about that situation and it would take him some time to get it behind him. If asked a question, there are chances that you would receive an answer but not the complete one. It does not mean that he lies, but won’t disclose the entire content to you.
Overall his attitude can be defined by aggressiveness which if properly channelized, can achieve excellent results. He should not care too much about what is said about him or his work. His persistence in achieving his goal is his biggest strength.
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Contact me to get your writing analyzed and to learn Grapho-Therapy. Grapho-Therapy is to change your writing to change your personality.