Parenting Workshop – Primary

Parenting Workshop – Primary

Farzando apna nazdeek Maula TUS ni amanat che, ehni sahi tarbiyat karwu tamaam waledayn par farz che. Being a parent is no less than bliss however, there can never be a more daunting task than to find a perfect way to parenting. Children learn more from what we are than what we teach. Therefore, it becomes imperative for parents to unlearn a few things and learn/acquire many new skills to model the personality they would like our child to be.

With the thought of providing our students with wings to fly and at the same time  keep them rooted to their deen an enlightening online workshop was conducted for the parents of standard I to IV of MSB Educational Institute, Bangalore on Sunday, September 13, 2020 by an inspiring speaker, certified counselor and graphologist-Mrs Farida Bharmal. The workshop was attended by 88 parents along with Principal, Vice Principal and members of the staff.

The guest speaker conducted the online workshop with commendable positivity and energy. She spoke about the importance of setting a routine for children and striking the right balance between assertiveness and giving into his or her emotional needs. Mrs Bharmal made parents aware of different styles of parenting. She emphasized on the need for setting the boundaries which in turn will build trusting relationship between the parent and the child. An eBook will be provided to the parents listing the tips and strategies discussed during the workshop which will be instrumental in their quest to always remain a positive parent.

The parents shared encouraging, positive feedback about the workshop and appreciated the school’s effort in involving the parents in overall child development.

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Farida Bharmal

Award Winning Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst), Certified Councillor, Business and Mindset Coach

I am a counselor, Graphologist, Handwriting Analyst and Life Skill trainer. Read to connect and know more about me.

Farida Bharmal

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